
XPS-UHV system combined with a jet flow electrochemical cell

Custom-designed UHV system that consists of two independent UHV chambers: a preparation/analysis chamber and an electrochemical (EC) chamber. Both chambers are connected through an UHV-EC transfer system. This XPS-EC system allows to combine in situ XPS and electrochemical measurements in order to determine the chemical changes induced in the materials due to the electrochemical work.

XPS-UHV system coupled

with a VT-STM

Custom-made XPS-UHV system equipped with a high precision VT manipulator (RT – 1000 K) capable of x,y,z translations, polar rotation and azimuthal rotation with an angle resolution better than 0.5°. This system is able to do the mapping of the intensity of a selected photoemission line over the entire 2pi hemisphere above the sample (XPD capability). The analyzer can operate both in constant analyzer energy mode (XPS experiments) and constant retard ratio mode (AES measurements). In addition, it is coupled with an scanning tunelling microscope (STM) for morphological characterization at atomic level.

TPD-XPS system

Custom-made XPS system designed for catalysis studies from 110 to 1000 K thanks to the Hidden Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer for Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD) measurements.


Hot-wall CVD

Cold-wall CVD

Raman - Thermofisher DXR

Chemical laboratory

X-ray diffractometer Bruker D8 Advance


Equipment for electrochemical measurements: Potentiostats, electrochemical cells for acidic and alkaline enviroments, rotating (ring) disk electrodes, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.